The coin is dedicated to the Bimilenary of the Death of Tito Livio, a Roman historian who wrote a monumental history of Rome and the Roman people – Ab Urbe Condita Libri (Books from the Foundation of the City). Tito Livio was born and died in what is now Padua, capital of Venetia. He moved to Rome at the age of 24 where he was commissioned to educate the future emperor Claudius.
The coin shows the bust of the Roman historian Tito Livio, from a work by Lorenzo Larese Moretti. To the left the monogram "RI" of the Italian Republic and "CM" initials of the designer Claudia Momoni; To the right, "17" and "2017", the year of his death and the year of issue of the coin, under the mark of the Italian mint "R". The name "Tito Livio" is shown at the bottom of a dotted line.
The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Total Mintage: 1.500.000 coins