€0.75 €1.50 Greece 1979 "Rare and Endangered Birds of Greece" Complete set MNH (**) Vlastos 1437-1442 -€0.75
€0.75 €1.80 Greece 1979 "Ercheological Findings of Vergina" Complete set MNH (**) Vlastos 1430-1436 -€1.05
€0.50 €0.60 Greece 1979 "The Entry of Greece into the EEC & the European Parliament" Complete set MNH (**) Vlastos 1425-1426 -€0.10
€0.50 Greece 1978 "150th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Military Academy" Complete set MNH (**) Vlastos 1406-1408
€0.50 €1.00 Greece 1978 "Miniature Sheet for the 150th Anniversary of the Greek Postal Service" M/S (Block) MNH (**) Vlastos B1 -€0.50
€0.50 €1.00 Greece 1978 "2300th Anniversary of Aristotle's Death" Complete set MNH (**) Vlastos 1381-1384 -€0.50
€0.50 €1.50 Greece 1978 "80th Conference of the International Olympic Commitee" Complete set MNH (**) Vlastos 1377-1378 -€1.00